Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We're setting up a new addition to HWH Shop!  A tea room. We're in the process of reworking the back room, getting new furnature, decorations, everything at once! Stay tuned for more developments and the grand opening next week.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Marichia's visit!

Marichia is here!
The founder of SPIRAL Foundation, Marichia came to visit HWH for three weeks. We've been busy working on developing new products, and also re-designing the downstairs of our shop on Vo Thi Sau street, to open a new teahouse! We will train the artists to serve Vietnamese tea and sweets. Right now we've got the room painted, and tables ordered, we're working on pulling it all together. Like always, a whole lot happens in just a little amount of time when Marichia is here. Through all of our crazy working hours it somehow all seems to pull together.

 Designing products together!
We all went to visit the Tra That to get inspiration for our teahouse!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SPIRAL baby!

Tha delivered a beautiful boy!
Here he is at the hospital, with his adoring fans.
The second baby to be born in the SPIRAL family. Misa should deliver her baby this week as well!